
  • Malaysia,  Travel

    My 20th country solo, welcome to Malaysia 😊

    I can say I have fairly traveled to South East Asia in last 10 years but so much more to explore and see. Every trip is a brand new experience specially to a new country. For last 2 years, my plans no more worked rather it was the calling of the land which invited me to the places. Made many plans for 2024 and ended up cancelling travel to four countries but had this desire to visit a new country this year for sure. This time, Malaysia it was! Malaysia has been on my mind since 2022 when a couple from Spain whome I met in Vietnam praised it to…

  • sunrise, boat, rowing boat-1014712.jpg
    Destinations,  Thailand

    My first ever S.O.L.O. trip!

    My first solo travel, ever in life was internationally. It was year 2015, I had a full time IT job at that time. Those days youtube and social media were not popular, at least I was not into it(even today, I maintain a distance!). I did not had outside world of information to make a decision. Rather I sat down to see what I want from my first ever solo travel? What I would like to experience? These were my basic 2 questions. I wanted my trip to be as original and fresh experience for me that I never discussed with anyone or asked for ANYTHING (recommendations, suggestions etc.). No…