
Curiosity of locals on S.O.L.O. travel

This one must sound familiar to all solo female travelers specifically, right? We live in a curious world and people are filled with all sorts of curious questions as soon as I strike a conversation with a local in a foreign country.

Few set of common questions they throw at you are :

  • Where are you from? Okay, makes sense, they are interested in knowing my nationality, fair enough!
  • With whom you are traveling? This one made me furious as a new traveler in the beginning, later I kinda laughed at it. Whenever I said, I am traveling solo, it immediately raised their eyebrows and normal conversation remain no more normal. They were shocked, excited and concerned at the same time…some felt pity!(lol). At times, I chose to ignore to answer anything I felt uncomfortable with.
  • Are you married? Do you have a family? Strangers wants to know all. I like to keep my personal information, personal. So, back off!
  • Where are you going now? Haha, yes people are weird and they ask weird questions even when it is none of their business. Politely ignore Ladies!
  • Where are you staying? This one is weirdest among all and sounds dangerous too! Total no-no to answer at all.
  • And list goes on…..

My advice – “Trust your intuition.” Females are pretty well tuned and understand vibes in a way, which serves as our sixth sense. It is always guiding us and keeping us safe. Helps us decide whom to approach or stay away from.

It goes for everybody. Share as little personal information to keep yourself safe out there. No need to entertain or answer anyone, you don’t feel comfortable with.. SIMPLE! Use commonsense.

Safe travels Everyone!

Till next time,

Enchanted Wandress